Dr. Clafton’s Practice
Dr. Bill Clafton Psy.D. is a Minnesota Licensed Psychologist. He specializes in treatment of Children, Adolescents, Young Adults, Parents and assessment. He has been a Licensed Psychologist for 12 years and has worked in the field for 23 years.
When you call Dr. Clafton’s office he will be able to assist you with questions regarding appointments, billing, insurance as well as therapeutic options based on the information you provide. Additionally, Dr. Clafton also has an off site, part-time coordinator Ellie who can also assist with scheduling. In the event you are not able to speak with someone when you call, please leave a message and you will be contacted within 24 hours. Dr. Clafton can also be reached via email at: drbillclafton@gmail.com. Ellie can be reached via email at: drclaftonappointments@gmail.com.
At your request, Dr. Clafton will work with you and your family, medical team, educational staff or other relevant professionals that you deem important in helping to create the results you want.
Dr. Clafton is committed to providing personal, confidential and effectively appropriate methods for your needs. He is dedicated and focused on identifying the needs of his clients and assisting them in finding solutions, gaining relief and increasing their insight.
Dr. Clafton will also utilize a strength-based approach in helping to utilize the client’s strengths as a means to navigate transitions, cope with life stresses and continue to build on identified strengths and resilience to manage future challenges.
Effective therapy must also involve fully including clients and families in the treatment planning process, as Dr. Clafton will work with you to identify a personalized, appropriate treatment plan to help achieve the results you desire. While rapid changes through therapy are desired, Dr. Clafton also understands and has a long history of working to address more complex, long-standing issues that may require more long-term participation in therapy.